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Space & Planets Technical Art - Unreal Engine

In this project basically made the shaders to render clouds, atmosphere and earth layers individually in just 2 drawcalls, the clouds are rendered using a custom parallax mapping and projecting shadows getting the vector from sun. Meanwhile the base texture for the earth is using layers of masking and textures for coloring.

Space view for the earth, the new version have better lerping on the colors*

Space view for the earth, the new version have better lerping on the colors*

Space view with my spline based instancing

Space view with my spline based instancing

Alternative view

Alternative view

Instances tool view

Instances tool view

Basically the direction lerps the colors for clouds, and different mateirals in the shader of the sun

Basically the direction lerps the colors for clouds, and different mateirals in the shader of the sun

Node for sun vector, there are many ways to get it

Node for sun vector, there are many ways to get it